Requested Update

Alright, WordPress has been so insistent that I write another post that I figure, why not!?

There is honestly so much that I really want to post about but I need to organize my thoughts first. We have been doing a bit of work around to house {painting, flooring and redecorating} that I will eventually share but it’s just not quite finished yet. My husband and I have been doing all the work ourselves and only when we have time, with two kids {one being just over 6 months old} it is easy to get distracted. This weekend I am planning on getting the floors started in the upstairs and hopefully by Monday I will have something worthwhile.

I promise Promise PROMISE I will start posting amazing things soon! Tonight, if you are lucky, I may just post a chicken salad recipe and a little something about myself.

Home tour coming soon!!

About fairhomeroad

Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister.
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